Posts tagged ‘slow shutter speed’


Shot of the Day #66

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In March I was photographing down at South Bank Promenade, Melbourne on a Saturday night, when the weather was still pleasant enough to have dinner by the Yarra River. As always there were the street performers – Fire Twirlers, and as I found out, also a perfect photo opportunity to experiment with slow shutter speeds! Later in Photoshop I grayscaled the crowd and masked the performer into the spotlight.

Fire Twirler Black and White

Fire Twirler Black and White

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Shot of the Day #30

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Kuala Lumpur’s China Town is a hub for cheap electronics, DVDs and watches – also an interesting part of KL, the older parts of KL with the historic markets and The Cricket Club. I used a slow shutter speed to blur the moving cars – showing Kuala Lumpur’s bustling way of life.


Jalan Petaling

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Shot of the Day #17

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The Brussels “Hôtel de Ville”  Town Hall, Belgium. Stands tall over the city square and the bustling cafes and restaurants. This photograph is a stitch of two photos, the Town Hall is so tall my 18mm lens couldn’t even capture it in a single shot, and that’s the reason for all the lens distortion, without a tripod attempting a multiple image stitch would be very challenging in this slow shutter speed situation, so I opted for the distortion.

Brussels "Hôtel de Ville" Town Hall, Belgium

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