Posts tagged ‘Australia’


Shot of the Day #39

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Alice Springs lies very close to the centre of a Australia far from any major cities. It was originally only known for the small Telegraph Station used to relay messages across the Red Centre. The town is layed-out in almost perfect symmetry with ‘The Gap’, a natural break in the MacDonald Ranges. This panoramic view of Alice Springs was taken from on top of Anzac Hill and hand held (360° Degrees). I used a Circular Polariser and as you can see it is best when 90°Degrees to the Sun (Dark Blue region in the sky) :) !

Alice Springs, Northern Territory - Three Sixty Panorama (Click to view larger)

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Shot of the Day #37

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This long exposure is of a Road Train travelling along the Stuart Highway not far out from Alice Springs. I was standing just off to the side of the road with my camera and tripod when this massive (only) 2 trailer Road Train came howling past. The red and orange LED lights made excellent light streams, but unfortunately my camera’s sensor was too hot to expose long enough to capture the stars (so clear in the Outback) :P !

Road Train Lights - Outback Australia

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Shot of the Day #35

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I have been experimenting with my Infrared Filter over the past few months and have finally produced some good results with it :P I was photographing in country Victoria with my IR-Filter and took this photograph of a Eucalyptus tree half alive and the other half dead, not an uncommon sight now due to the February Bushfires.

HDR Infrared Gum Tree

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Shot of the Day #31

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It is ANZAC Day here in Australia and there are services all over the country remembering the young service men and women of the past and present who fought for our freedom.



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ANZAC Day – Melbourne, Australia – Lest We Forget

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I was at the dawn ANZAC service in Melbourne last year and captured a nice moment by the Eternal Flame:

Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their countries. Anzac Day is also observed in the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. [Read the full Wikipedia article here]


ANZAC Day Melbourne Australia 2010 - Lest We Forget

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