April 25, 2010


How to colour gradient match photos in GIMP

A really simple concept and easy to achieve, however the results are great – Colour Gradient Match Photos. This technique can be useful for creating a mood in a photograph taken from another image. This is more of a quick tip intended to help achieve certain effects and drive development.


Gradient Colour Match

1. Starting

  • Open your chosen image up in GIMP
  • And, your image with the Colours you want
  • Create a New Layer

Starting (click to view larger)

2.a Two Main Colours – Select

  • To get the 2 main colours, click the Foreground and Background Colours
  • Use the Dropper/Pipet to select the colour
  • Select on photo FG and BG

Two Main Colours - Select (click to view larger)

2.b More than 2 Colours – Blur

  • On the Colour Image Layer, go Filters –> Gaussian Blur
  • Set Blur to around 300, 300 (takes a while to process)
More than 2 Colours - Blur (click to view larger)

More than 2 Colours - Blur (click to view larger)

3.a Gradient – Blending (from 2.a)

  • Now use the Gradient Tool: FG and BG (check settings)
  • Stroke as shown, or however suits your image:

Gradient (click to view larger)

  • Now, Select the layer Mode: Burn
  • Move Opacity to ~60%
  • If the Gradient Layer is too dark then increase Levels, Colors –> Levels (move middle slider left)



Blending Mode (click to view larger)

3.b. Blurred – Blending (from 2.b)

  • Now, Select the layer Mode: Burn
  • Move Opacity to ~75%
  • If the Gradient Layer is too dark then increase Levels, Colors –> Levels (move middle slider left)
  • Move the left slider inwards to saturate a little

Blending (click to view larger)



The Result!

That’s it! :)

Here is the original:


Original Photograph

If you get stuck anywhere just comment below!

If you’d like to use these photographs please Contact Me!

Please comment below if you have any questions and I’ll answer them ASAP!

All images on this site are copyrighted© – All Rights Reserved.

Written by Mike

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Michael Scott is the publisher and photographer behind Scott Photographics! He is very passionate about his photography and enjoys sharing the best of his experiences for others to enjoy too! Contact Mike via email!
Read more from Featured, Gimp, Tutorials
7 Comments Post a comment

    Deprecated: Function get_users_of_blog is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use get_users() instead. in /home/scottp12/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5453
  1. Dec 26 2015

    There’s something wrong with eiethr the download or the way they’re loaded, then. I promise they work in Gimp. You may try downloading the image pack and loading that up.Otherwise, I’m afraid I can’t help other than the installation instructions I give on my installation page. I’m not a GIMP user. These are Photoshop brushes first and foremost GIMP merely added the functionality for them to work there, too, so I advertise them as such. And they DO work, when loaded properly. :)I’m sorry I couldn’t help more, but there should be a plethora of how to use Photoshop ABR brushes in GIMP internet results out there. Best of luck!

  2. Deprecated: Function get_users_of_blog is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use get_users() instead. in /home/scottp12/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5453
  3. Jan 7 2011

    Thanks for the feedback Manuel – just wondering what is your screen resolution?

  4. Deprecated: Function get_users_of_blog is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use get_users() instead. in /home/scottp12/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5453
  5. Manuel Leon
    Jan 7 2011

    I liked your tutorial but Had a little trouble following the instructions because most of the space on my monitor was occupied by your web page headings and advertisements. Thanks anyways.

  6. Deprecated: Function get_users_of_blog is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use get_users() instead. in /home/scottp12/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5453
  7. Kali
    May 25 2010

    Thanks so much!

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