Shot of the Day #75
After finding some inspiration in a colleagues exhibition, I had to do the same (obviously…not exactly the same!). The Koonung Overpass has been a structure I have passed under for many years, twice daily, and up until now I had never photographed it. It is an elegant pedestrian bridge that has been photographed many times before, so I wanted to change things up a bit and really differentiate mine. With the addition of light painting it all changed! This is the swirling lighting effect in the bottom right, achieved with a cheap 5 LED torch and the 20 seconds long exposure. Mind you it wasn’t as simple as swinging a torch around (well it was), but it is a suspension bridge so being ‘not heavy’ (pun avoided) on your feet was essential to minimise blur. Fortunately I had the help of my very patience and loving mother to hang onto my camera in case it fell – Thanks Mum!

Koonung Overpass, Doncaster, Melbourne
- ISO 200
- F 2.8
- 20 secs
- 24 mm
- Sony a99
- Carl Zeiss 24-70 2,8
- Tripod
- Post-Processing: Adobe Lightroom 4, base preset:
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