Posts tagged ‘shutter speed’


Shot of the Day #66

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In March I was photographing down at South Bank Promenade, Melbourne on a Saturday night, when the weather was still pleasant enough to have dinner by the Yarra River. As always there were the street performers – Fire Twirlers, and as I found out, also a perfect photo opportunity to experiment with slow shutter speeds! Later in Photoshop I grayscaled the crowd and masked the performer into the spotlight.

Fire Twirler Black and White

Fire Twirler Black and White

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Post-Processing Infrared Photographs in Photoshop

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I have recently become interested in Infrared Photography and I had a bit of trouble finding good ways to post-process my IR photos. So, here is my method to editing those starkly ‘red/magenta’ photographs!

This is the before/after shot:

Infrared Post-Processing

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Paper Sculptures – Lighting – DIY

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I haveĀ  always been intrigued by the ‘Mac Screen Saver’ with the Paper Sculptures, so I decided to attempt the effect my self in a similar way. It took a while to figure out how to set things up, but I eventually created some interesting lighting angles and paper curls with a simple idea and method! Here is a short overview on how to create the effect and a little post-processing in gimp.

Paper Sheets

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Simple solution to Hands-Free BULB exposures – Rubber Band and Eraser – DIY

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The majority of DSLR Cameras only have long hands-Free shutter speeds of 30 or 60 seconds, but as you know these shutter times are not always enough especially if your attempting a star trails shot. So, the solution is to buy a shutter release cable, however for such a simple task it shouldn’t require a shutter release cable costing $50 – $100, which is the going price these days! So, instead of paying ~$50 just grab a 10 cent rubber-band and an old eraser!


Rubber Band and Eraser!

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