Posts tagged ‘Sunrise’


Shot of the Day #58

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This is one of my favourite panoramas of the trip, because it includes everything about the desert outback of Australia. I woke up early to make it to the Olgas lookout, unfortunately not as early as the campers that had taken the prime position on the corner, but I managed to get this wide angle panorama of The Olgas/Kata Tjuta to the left and Ayers Rock/Uluru very faint on the horizon to the right of the Sun. I uncovered some of the detail in the shadows with Camera Raw Photoshop and stitched the fifteen photographs in jpeg format – my computer couldn’t handle the huge raw files of 206mb!

Kata Tjuta and Uluru Sunrise

Kata Tjuta and Uluru Sunrise (Click to view larger)

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The Red Centre – Outback, Northern Territory, Australia

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At the end of last month I flew to Alice Springs and explored the surroundings of Central Australia over an extended weekend. It was an unbelievable trip and the experience of almost pure Outback was so unfamiliar/unique to me that I found it was amazing how Australia offers such a dynamic range of landscapes and culture from cities to the vast outback. I documented my trip visually as you’ll see as you scroll down – although some of these images are very revealing of Central Australia it is still nothing compared to being there, however with the use of panoramic photographs I hope it offers a better representation of the broad spacious lands that I experienced.

The Red Centre - Northern Territory, Australia

The Red Centre - Northern Territory, Australia

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Shot of the Day #52

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Kata Tjuta is an amazing formation of rocks consisting of several large sandstone domes. This a panoramic view of the main domes stitched in Photoshop made up of six photographs, and taken minutes after sunrise so the lighting was good.

The Olgas, Kata Tjuta - Northern Territory, Australia

The Olgas, Kata Tjuta - Northern Territory, Australia (Click to view larger)

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Shot of the Day #38

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I woke up fairly early (6:30 am) and went down to the Olgas viewing area to catch the sunrise. There were quite a few photographers there already, with their tripods setup in prime position (you have to get up pretty early to get the special corner edge of the platform :P), so I had to race around them with my camera capturing the different angles as the light changed over the Olgas and Uluru. In this photograph you can see the small silhouette of Uluru on the horizon (right), and the rising sun as the light spreads out across the frosty desert.

Sunrise over the Red Centre

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Remembering the Victorian Bushfires of February 2009

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On the 7th of February 2009 severe bushfires devastated the Victorian countryside destroying families, homes, whole towns, killing wildlife and lush bush, that day will forever been known as ‘Black Saturday’ the worst natural disaster to hit Victoria, Australia.

“The Black Saturday bushfires, were a series of bushfires that ignited or were burning across the Australian state of Victoria on and around Saturday 7 February 2009 during extreme bushfire-weather conditions, resulting in Australia’s highest ever loss of life from a bushfire. 173 people died as a result of the fires and 414 were injured.

As many as 400 individual fires were recorded on 7 February. Following the events of 7 February 2009, that date has since been referred to as Black Saturday.” [continue reading…]

Springing back to life

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