Posts from the ‘Featured’ Category


Remembering the Victorian Bushfires of February 2009

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On the 7th of February 2009 severe bushfires devastated the Victorian countryside destroying families, homes, whole towns, killing wildlife and lush bush, that day will forever been known as ‘Black Saturday’ the worst natural disaster to hit Victoria, Australia.

“The Black Saturday bushfires, were a series of bushfires that ignited or were burning across the Australian state of Victoria on and around Saturday 7 February 2009 during extreme bushfire-weather conditions, resulting in Australia’s highest ever loss of life from a bushfire. 173 people died as a result of the fires and 414 were injured.

As many as 400 individual fires were recorded on 7 February. Following the events of 7 February 2009, that date has since been referred to as Black Saturday.” [continue reading…]

Springing back to life

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Garry Schlatter – Australian Photographer – Inspiration

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Garry Schlatter has given me great ideas for composition and lighting when taking landscape photographs, so I thought it would be great to showcase his talent to even more people and provide quality inspiration.

Garry’s words, from his site:

“Passionate Amateur Photographer. Photography is a visual language. It can touch and stimulate our deepest emotions. The beauty of creation and nature invokes such a curiosity in me, I can’t help but explore new and exciting places to capture those moments of unimaginable perfection. “We do not take pictures with our cameras, but with our hearts and minds” – Arnold Newman”

Cape Moreton Lighthouse - Moreton Island - by Garry Schlatter

Cape Moreton Lighthouse - Moreton Island

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My best photographs of 2009

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Here are my best photographs of 2009, as determined by my Flickr PhotoStream and my views!

Autumn - by Michael Scott


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Sam Ilic – Australian Photographer – Inspiration

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Sam Ilic is an Australian Photographer with a great eye for photography, and very good at making objects much more interesting with various photographic techniques and post-processing.

I’ve been following Sam on for a while and has provided me with some excellent inspiration for my photographs, and many brilliant ideas.

Where All Think Alike No One Thinks Very Much - Sam Ilic - STAGE88

Where All Think Alike No One Thinks Very Much

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New Year’s Eve Fireworks – Inspiration

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It’s nearly 2010, the end of a massive decade and sure to go out with a bang :P ! So, I’ve collected some stunning photos of fireworks that can help inspire you to take the perfect shot this New Year’s Eve!

Australia Day Fireworks

Australia Day Fireworks - by Sam Ilic

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