Posts tagged ‘opacity’


How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

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Watermarks are sometimes very annoying especially if large and so distracting that it draws the view away never to return. I’ll help you make a watermark basic enough to not discourage your audience yet ugly enough to stop takers. If you are using GIMP checkout the tutorial here:!

How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

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Lomo-Effect on Photographs in Photoshop

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The Lomo-Effect on photographs is used frequently to provide an old photograph feel or simply a colour manipulation. I have made this into a written tutorial from this video tutorial from tutvid! If you are in a rush I have made an actions file that you can download and add in Photoshop easily! If you are using GIMP then checkout this tutorial.

Lomo-Effect in Photoshop

Lomo-Effect in Photoshop

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How to make a Hockney style Photograph in GIMP

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David Hockney is known for his unusual panoramas that are made up of differently scaled and angled photos. To produce the ‘Hockney’ effect it is best done with multiple photographs that can be arranged later, but you can have a single photograph that you’d like to make into a multiple imaged panorama – with the use of GIMP!

'Hockney' Style Photography in GIMP

'Hockney' Style Photography in GIMP

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Shot of the Day #45

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Looking up at the enormous Rock is something you have to experience first-hand, before I visited Uluru I thought it was a reasonable large rock in the middle of Australia and I’d have no problem jogging up the side. I was completely wrong! Uluru is truly a massive rock emerging from the ground 348m high – only a third of its entire bulk! This is a panorama of three photographs stitched in Photoshop and I was using my polariser, which is such a necessity when photographing out in the Red Centre as it eliminates the glare and saturates the blues.

At the base of Uluru before the climb!

At the base of Uluru before the climb!

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Shot of the Day #41

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Ripples in sand and dunes formed by strong winds is the very first thing I associate with the Desert! There isn’t alot of dunes around the Alice Springs and surrounding regions, however you do see a few small patches on the highways between Uluru and Alice Springs. This is one of those, I used my polariser here (I did nearly everywhere) especially to cancel the glare out and allow the true red/orange colours to be captured, while darkening the blue sky. Not quite the same as the old Windows XP background, but the result I wanted :) !

Sand Dune - Outback, Northern Territory

Sand Dune - Outback, Northern Territory

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