Posts tagged ‘panorama’


Shot of the Day #39

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Alice Springs lies very close to the centre of a Australia far from any major cities. It was originally only known for the small Telegraph Station used to relay messages across the Red Centre. The town is layed-out in almost perfect symmetry with ‘The Gap’, a natural break in the MacDonald Ranges. This panoramic view of Alice Springs was taken from on top of Anzac Hill and hand held (360° Degrees). I used a Circular Polariser and as you can see it is best when 90°Degrees to the Sun (Dark Blue region in the sky) :) !

Alice Springs, Northern Territory - Three Sixty Panorama (Click to view larger)

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Shot of the Day #21

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This shot consists of seven photographs, all stitched together to form a panorama of the Melbourne CBD. I was standing on the Southbank side of the Yarra River just in-front of South Gate Plaza.


Melbourne CBD by the Yarra River (Click to view larger)

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Shot of the Day #16

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The Melbourne Cricket Ground the home of Australian Rules Football and the largest Stadium in the whole of Australia, it also holds the world record for tallest light towers at a sporting venue! This photograph is actually multiple photos stitched together to form the panorama.

The Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) - Melbourne, Australia

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Remembering the Victorian Bushfires of February 2009

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On the 7th of February 2009 severe bushfires devastated the Victorian countryside destroying families, homes, whole towns, killing wildlife and lush bush, that day will forever been known as ‘Black Saturday’ the worst natural disaster to hit Victoria, Australia.

“The Black Saturday bushfires, were a series of bushfires that ignited or were burning across the Australian state of Victoria on and around Saturday 7 February 2009 during extreme bushfire-weather conditions, resulting in Australia’s highest ever loss of life from a bushfire. 173 people died as a result of the fires and 414 were injured.

As many as 400 individual fires were recorded on 7 February. Following the events of 7 February 2009, that date has since been referred to as Black Saturday.” [continue reading…]

Springing back to life

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In this tutorial I will explain how to setup your shot and then go through the post processing stages!



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