Posts from the ‘Photoshop’ Category


How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

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Watermarks are sometimes very annoying especially if large and so distracting that it draws the view away never to return. I’ll help you make a watermark basic enough to not discourage your audience yet ugly enough to stop takers. If you are using GIMP checkout the tutorial here:!

How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

How to make a basic watermark in Photoshop

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Lomo-Effect on Photographs in Photoshop

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The Lomo-Effect on photographs is used frequently to provide an old photograph feel or simply a colour manipulation. I have made this into a written tutorial from this video tutorial from tutvid! If you are in a rush I have made an actions file that you can download and add in Photoshop easily! If you are using GIMP then checkout this tutorial.

Lomo-Effect in Photoshop

Lomo-Effect in Photoshop

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Post-Processing Infrared Photographs in Photoshop

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I have recently become interested in Infrared Photography and I had a bit of trouble finding good ways to post-process my IR photos. So, here is my method to editing those starkly ‘red/magenta’ photographs!

This is the before/after shot:

Infrared Post-Processing

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