Shot of the Day #63
The sky in the Outback is always a rich deep blue and the sunsets are just as stunning – The black silhouettes of the harsh outback lands and a painterly mirage of clouds backlit by the falling Sun. There was a slight breeze while I was photographing the sunset and I had in mind that I would want to later lift the vibrant colours of the clouds in Camera Raw with an HDR effect, so instead of the three+ exposures I opted for raw. The screenshot below shows my adjustments in Camera Raw!
June-July Round-Up of Favourite Tutorials
It is sometimes hard to keep up with all the new posts over the months especially for new visitors or people in a hurry, so here is the round up of the most viewed and best rated Tutorials of June and July 2010 on Scott Photographics. In order of most views:
Shot of the Day #62
Panoramas are an excellent way to really capture the true Central Australia, because it offers the wide angle view that a person would experience there. Kings Canyon is perfectly lit at sunset where the cliff walls reflect warm reds and oranges, and make a fringe around the valley river bed. The panorama consists of ten photographs covering greater than 180°degrees.
How to make a Globe/Planet photo manipulation in GIMP
This photo manipulation is called a stereographic projection, which takes a standard photograph and stretches it around in a circle creating a Globe or Planet like image!