How to make a Cosmic Wallpaper in GIMP
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This tutorial will hopefully help inspire you to create your own custom wallpapers and produce a great results in the GIMP.
Lomo-Effect on Photographs in Photoshop
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The Lomo-Effect on photographs is used frequently to provide an old photograph feel or simply a colour manipulation. I have made this into a written tutorial from this video tutorial from tutvid! If you are in a rush I have made an actions file that you can download and add in Photoshop easily! If you are using GIMP then checkout this tutorial.
Creating Light Leaks on Photographs using GIMP
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Light Leaks are a product of film in the camera being exposed due to a hole/gap in the cameras body letting in light. It is sometimes used aesthetically in photographs creating a sense of vividness or soft blurs of colour – usually red. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to create these light leaks in the GIMP!